Why Would a Cosmetic Dentist Recommend Crown Lengthening?

September 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwehrkamp @ 9:52 pm

A woman smiling When it comes to aesthetics, proportion is everything. Although most people aren’t conscious of it, they think of a beautiful smile as one that has a certain proportion of gum tissue to tooth structure. But many people lack these proportions and, as a result, either have a “gummy smile” or teeth that appear small or square-shaped. Fortunately, any of these scenarios can be dramatically improved from a procedure called crown lengthening, where a cosmetic dentist reduces the amount of gum that shows and increases the length of the teeth. This procedure can usually be done in just one appointment to reshape the gumline and reveal the beautifully proportioned smile that’s been there all along. Keep reading to learn more about why a crown lengthening procedure might be necessary and what you can expect!
